Monday, August 3, 2009

Social Media

I am currently sitting in a grad class all about social networking. How exciting! I love using technology like this to "trick" kids into enjoying school. My students LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Facebook, so I hope that I can funnel that love into a Ning site of my own. Middle school students need to feel part of a community and they need to learn how to socialize appropriately. I think that a class social network site would be a cool place for them to learn.


  1. It didn't post the last time so we will try again. Have you read the book, Here is a link to it on
    It is the story of an 8th grader who got pulled into chatting with a sex offender and tells her story. It is an easy read and was suggested for 8th graders. It isn't available on Kindle. But glad to know you like yours!

  2. I think you are right on target with wanting to teach students how to appropriately socialize online. I don't think they learn it anywhere else unless their parents take care of it. I wonder if there are any resources online that could help you teach appropriate use. Discussion would work well, but I bet there are some good examples and lesson ideas as well. Do you have an idea of how you could use a social networking site to enhance your curriculum? Or do you just plan on using it as a place for students to be a part of an online community.
