Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Ah, sweet-sweet freedom. School is out for the summer and life is good. I spent the day playing with Seamus, doing yard work, baking, and napping. I even got a little reading in. The tv is out of commission because we have several painting projects going on right now, and it is such a blessing. The house is quiet, full of sunlight, and there is nothing to do! I love it!

And the best news is that soon I am going to be an Auntie. Baby R could arrive at any time! Yay!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

we got a big one!

I have a big problem child. The funny thing is that he isn't even in my school. This is a student that is driving me absolutely bonkers at CHURCH! My hubby and I are teaching faith formation class on Wednesday nights, and we have a student that is one of the most challenging kids I have had for years. The thing is that he sucks the energy out of the classroom, and it even follows me home. I talked with him after class yesterday, and gave him an option. Either he stops his disruptive behavior, or he leaves....what does this guy need? How can I help him? How can you make a difference with a student when you only see them once a week?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I have to brag/gloat/share! I love, love, love teaching 7th graders! I just wanted to share how happy I am. Then, on a bad day, when I am down and out, you can send this email back to me. :)

Today a student brought me a mango. random! She just thought I would like it.
A "naughty" boy from years past is staying after class talk to me about homework and how much fun he is having writing.
A parent wrote in a letter that I am his daughter's role model.
Another parent wrote that the energy I have for reading is really helping her sons start to love reading!
I just walked into another classroom to drop something off, and all of my 7th graders yelled "Mrs. Pearson! Mrs. Pearson! Hi! Come look at what I am doing!"

Gosh...8th graders really grow up...and by doing so sort of stop liking teachers.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Successful First Week

Gosh, was I ever nervous for the first day of school. My room was ready, my lesson made, but I will still shaking like a little kid last Tuesday morning. Then the bell rang, kids poured down the hall, into my room, and my concerns flew out the window. Everything just magically clicked. The 7th graders were fun, excited, silly, and eager to please. We had so much fun together, and they listened so well. It is fun to have them hang on my every word. (I know that won't last long! :))

Yesterday, I was at school from 6 am to 10 pm after the football game. It was such a great day!! I talked with my class all about what reading is NOT. Reading is not supposed to be painful. Reading is not followed by tests or quizzes. I even went so far as to say that during reading, a teacher is not always peering over your shoulder and asking questions. The students loved hearing this. Then I read a chapter from Harry Potter to them. They crawled around on the floor, giggled at my voices, listened intently, hung on every word that I read, and didn't want class to end. Now that is why I love teaching.

I know that the trials will come. They will test me, roll their eyes at me, and glare at me. They will forget homework assignments, lose items, fight, and struggle, but just one day like yesterday will keep me coming back to the classroom year after year.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009 cow...zoinks!

I can't quite put my finger on the word that I need to say right now. My mind is spinning with lesson ideas, kid's names, things to do, smiles to remember, books to read, papers to write, units to organize, things to decorate, teachers to talk to, parents to call, children to check on, and meetings to attend.

The beginning of the school year is a magical time; I just don't feel like I will be able to do everything that I want to do this year. It is only the end of the second day, and I am already worried that I can't share a tidbit or a book with my students.
  • What if I run out of time to truly care for them?
  • What if they don't like me?
  • What if they don't love reading?
  • What if they don't learn from me!
SEE! These are the questions that keep bopping around my head.

I did read a great quote today though. "Teaching isn't my job. It's my life." I love it. I truly feel that same way. I just only hope that I can teach and live truly and do my students right. cow...zoinks!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Julie and Julia

Last night I saw the move, Julie and Julia. It really got me thinking about this whole "blog" thing. I mean it. I haven't promoted my blog, or really even imagined that anyone would ever read it. I thought it was amazing how in the movie, Julia really thought about and interacted with readers of her blog. I like to think that my blog just floats out in cyberspace--drifting along, not bothering anyone. Other bloggers though blog as a full-time job. I can't imagine! I don't even have enough going on in my life to post every single day.

After being swept up in the blogosphere last night, I wondered what I would write about every single day. The biggest thing in my life (besides my wonderful Sam) is teaching. For a few minutes I dreamed of blogging every day from my little classroom. I worry though about repercusions. It would be far to risky to blog about students/school/work. Gosh, the thought alone makes me shudder with what could go wrong. If I slipped up just once and wrote about a certain student and someone guessed the name of that student, my job would disappear. Much too scary to write about school. I think I will continue with my random posts. I like it that way. Random and simple. :) Kind of like me.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I saw on a fellow blog today, that whoopie pies are reported to be the new cupcake. It made me want to share one of the best bonding experiences in my classroom. Whoopie pies! Yep, they are amazingly simply ways to reward students. They are unique, delicious, and include the word "whoopie!" in the title. What could be more excited for a middle school student then to earning an indulgent treat and being allowed to shout "WHOOPIE!"

I celebrated the end of the school year with my homeroom by bringing them all whoopie pies. It was such a fun day, and we really bonded! WHOOPIE!